When considering any purchase or sale of real estate you ought to put together a team of professionals to ensure that your goals and desires are given the weight they deserve. In addition to your lawyer, that team needs to include a realtor and mortgage broker/banker.

At Taylor Conway, we will strive to be part of your real estate team both today and in the future. We will take the time to make sure that you know your rights, duties and obligations in all aspects of the real estate transaction. This will put you in control of your team and reduce your stress as your real estate transaction nears completion.

It will be the duty of your realtor to help you find your perfect home and to assist you in coming to an agreement with the Seller. All aspects of that agreement must be in writing so make sure, prior to signing your name, that the entire deal has been put down on paper. As well, make sure that you understand the agreement you are signing, that you know what will be required of you and when.

Your mortgage broker or banker will be able to let you know, based upon your savings, your other financial obligations and your earning capacity, how much you are able to borrow. Often, Buyers meet with their mortgage broker or banker prior to looking at homes with their realtor. Such a meeting may help you in the home search as you will have a good idea as to the amount of your mortgage and the payments that will be required of you on a monthly basis. As a stress reducer, pre qualifying for a mortgage ranks highly.

For additional issues and expenses you ought to consider when buying or selling a home visit this page.

We would be pleased to discuss these and all other aspects of your real estate transaction with you. Give us a call or email.

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