by Tom Taylor | Real Estate
I often receive calls, emails and letters from clients who ask, after taking possession of their “new” home, who will pay to repair defects that they have found. Just the other day a client called to tell me that the floor tiles in the main bathroom... by Tom Taylor | Real Estate
Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions you can make in a lifetime. It’s also, generally, a long term decision. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your new home purchase. Make sure that it meets your... by Tom Taylor | Real Estate
Condominium purchasers often send a copy of the condominium bylaws to a “review specialist” prior to finalizing a condominium purchase agreement. Often, those bylaws are 25-30 pages in length and quite legalistic in nature. A review is, however, something... by Tom Taylor | Real Estate
Three times in the last week I have received telephone calls from people looking for a document that I have not seen used for several years. They are asking for a “Rent to Own Agreement” which, in legal terms, is referred to as an “Agreement for... by Tom Taylor | Real Estate
When considering any purchase or sale of real estate you ought to put together a team of professionals to ensure that your goals and desires are given the weight they deserve. In addition to your lawyer, that team needs to include a realtor and mortgage broker/banker....